Sunday, September 20, 2009


Forget about goodbye
we will always love each other

even if it is silently
and the soft touch of
our skin and lips,
the brightness of our lit hearts
has been quietly hushed

except for
the sweet elixir
of memory

We made our way
out onto the water
caught like light
on a passing afternoon
the fluid movement of
our love, an answered prayer
your face, your words,
your touch
dead places in me

Our bodies may never again
know one another

but this is not the end

you cannot stop the force
of what
has been revived

the key has been turned,
the engine ignited

the bird has found her voice
and sings for hours in a canopy
of dark maple leaves

the sunlight entices
the fern to unfold her green tendrils

my love,
will always be the one
who helped call me back
to taste the warm wine
of a life awake

I ravenously drank
and now live more vivaciously,
my heart now soaked with passion
my soul drunk with joy

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